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Samsung on the fence about attending MWC 2020 due to coronavirus outbreak

Posted February 9, 2020 | Mobile | News

Samsung is the fourth big coming considering its options when it comes to attending Mobile World Congress 2020, people familiar with the company’s plans claim. LG and Ericsson have already announced they will not be attending MWC this year, while ZTE canceled its press events and will have a minimum presence at the trade fair.

Now CNET reports many Samsung employees from both the US and Korean headquarters plan to cancel their trips to Europe over coronavirus concerns. At the moment, Samsung hasn’t backed out from MWC 2020, but while its booth might remain one of the trade fair’s main attractions, the South Korean giant will most likely drop any behind the curtain meetings between executives from other companies.

Samsung didn’t comment on the matter yet, but its plans might change at any time depending on the coronavirus outbreak development. We’ll probably hear more about the company’s presence at MWC 2020 in about a week or so.

Meanwhile, Samsung is readying its next Galaxy S flagship, which is scheduled to be revealed on February 11. As such, Mobile World Congress 2020 would be the first major event where potential customers would be able to get their hands on the Galaxy S20.

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