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Note 10+ vs iPhone 11 Max (Pro) pre-release specs and features comparison

Posted August 28, 2019 | Mobile | News

, XS and Max but it will add enough new features and under-the-hood specs improvements to stand up to Samsung’s freshest juggernauts –

and 10+. What precisely? 

Note 10+ vs iPhone 11 Max (Pro) design

Samsung did wonders with the design of these two puppies. So much so that it managed to make a 6.3″ Note 10 that is way smaller than the 6.5″ iPhone XS Max, thanks to the Premium Hole Infinity design (we ain’t even kidding) that shrunk the top bezel and increased screen-to-body ratio drastically. 
The iPhone 11 Pro Max – yep, that’s what it might be called unless Apple opts for screen sizes – will meanwhile be the same size and looks at the front as the current Max. The back, though – well, just have a look at Hasan Kaymak‘s renders below.

What that means is that it will be slightly shorter than the Note 10+ but basically the same width yet heavier. Samsung’s unsurpassed screen-to-body ratio will shine here and there will be much more display canvas to draw on than the difference in screen diagonal suggests.

Needless to say, Apple’s Face ID module prevents it from reaching such display ratios, as Samsung opted for an in-display finger scanner when it comes to biometric identification, leaving a small equidistant from the edges front camera for selfie purposes.

There are two rumors floating around that indicate Apple may try to chase the Note 10’s most distinctive features – namely Apple Pencil support on the 11 Max and a “rainbow” finish option for the housing, similar to the Aura Glow finish on the Note 10 and 10+. If that happens, it will truly be a case of “everyone takes from everybody.”

Note 10+ vs iPhone 11 Max (Pro) specs

As usual, one element the iPhone 2019 will excel at is the processing power. Expected to arrive with a second-gen 7nm A13 chipset, the processor will bring a performance boost that could surpass Samsung’s new Exynos 9825 that is in the Note 10 and is made with the same process. While the Exynos is the current crowned king in synthetic benchmarks on the Android side, the A13 could challenge it more than the slight bump that the A12 enjoys now.

Note 10+ 5G will have the ultimate upper hand before the iPhone 11 2019

Besides the S Pen functionality (and the amount of RAM, hehe), there is one area where the iPhone can’t fight the Note 10 to save its life. In one fell swoop, Apple cut its self-inflicted Gordian knot of 5G modem supply and paid Qualcomm undisclosed amount to settle the patent litigation and secure a multi-year contract for 5G iPhones. Effective as of April 1, Qualcomm went for a six-year global patent license agreement with Apple, with the option to be extended for two more years, and a seemingly endless chipset supply contract.

The Note 10+ 5G’s Verizon exclusivity would be the norm, however, not the exception. It won’t be before the second half of 2020 when we see modems that support all of the 5G spectrum be integrated into chipsets like the Snapdragon 865, or whatever the Exynos and Kirin departments are cooking for next year. There is one more major mobile chipset maker out there that lucked out on 5G, though – Apple.

By lucked out we mean Apple’s unwillingness or inability to solve its patent issues with Qualcomm sooner that deprived the 2019 iPhone 11 of 5G connectivity. Looking at the fragmented state of the next-gen networks in the US, and what is happening with the Note 10+ 5G availability, Apple might have been all the better to wait for next fall to introduce a 5G-enabled iPhone. That, plus the fact that the Note 10+ 5G starts off at $1300, and we shudder to think what an iPhone with mmWave modem would have cost had it been released next month.

Note 10+ vs iPhone 11 Max (Pro) camera features

Currently, the Note 10 and 10+ have the more versatile camera set, what with the wide-angle lens and the time-of-flight cameras that the iPhones don’t have. The iPhone 11 Pro and its Max version, however, will be adding wide-angle lens for a tri-camera roster on the back. 

Say what you will about its square “island” shape tucked in the top left corner of the rear, but if history is any indication, the 2019 iPhone 11 camera kit will be one of the most capable out there. 

If Apple adds night mode and with the rumored automatic wide-angle perspective correction and real-time video editing, it will catch up to the Note 10, and then some. Actually, we can’t wait to pit the Note 10+ against the iPhone 11 Max, Pixel 4, and the upcoming Mate 30 Pro, as these will be the most capable mobile cameras the world has ever seen.

The iPhone 11 Max (Pro) vs Note 10+ prices and release

The two phones may share identical chipset production processes and maybe gradient “rainbow” coloring (dubbed Aura Glow in the case of the Note) but they couldn’t be more different in things like screen size and resolution, memory and storage, camera kits and extra features, so will the prices differ as well? 
We doubt, as you can see from our best guess scenario table about the iPhone 11 Pro Max pricing below. After all, $999 is a common psychological threshold now that nobody dares to exceed without a compelling reasons. The iPhone 11 trio is expected to be announced on September 11 and go for preorder on Friday, September 20. Can’t wait to pit it against the Note 10+ in three weeks or so.

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