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Windows Weekly 816: I Have Been a Good Bing

Posted February 16, 2023 | Podcasts | Windows | Windows Weekly

Leo, Richard, and Paul discuss our AI morning after, with Bing AI coughing up a hairball this week, Windows 11, Microsoft 365, more layoffs, Xbox, and much more.

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Tips and picks

Tip of the week: Get started with the new Bing AI

Bing AI apparently has some “creator prompts” that will jumpstart certain types of tasks:

Letter (Write a letter) Code (Write code) Movie (Write a script) Story (Write a story) Poem (Write a poem) Summary (Write a summary) Tweet (Write a tweet) Blog post (Write a blog post) Quiz (Write a quiz) Joke (Write a joke)

Write a joke in the style of Rodney Dangerfield … Write a story in the style of Stephen King… etc.

App pick of the week: DALL-E

I’ve been working my way through some existing AI tools. I have questions.

This Week on RunAs: Strengthening Security with Jess Dodson

Brown liquor pick of the week: Kvint Divin


Bing AI short story written in the style of Stephen King

The night was dark and stormy, and the wind howled outside the old mansion. David and Lisa, a young couple looking for a cheap place to stay, had found the mansion on an online listing. They thought it was a bargain, but they soon realized that they had made a terrible mistake.

The mansion was full of creepy paintings, dusty furniture, and strange noises. David and Lisa felt uneasy as they explored the rooms, but they decided to ignore their fears and make the best of it. They found a bedroom that looked relatively clean and cozy, and decided to settle there for the night.

They locked the door behind them and got into the bed. They tried to sleep, but they couldn’t. They heard footsteps, whispers, and laughter coming from the other rooms. They felt a cold breeze, even though the windows were closed. They saw shadows moving across the walls, even though the lights were off.

They clung to each other, terrified, and prayed for the night to end. They wished they had never come to this place. They wondered what secrets and horrors it hid. They wondered if they would ever get out alive.

Suddenly, they heard a loud bang on the door. They jumped out of the bed and screamed. They looked at the door, expecting it to burst open any second. They saw the doorknob turning, slowly and silently. They backed away from the door, holding each other, and waited for the worst.

The door opened, and a figure stepped into the room. It was a man, dressed in a black suit and a red tie. He had a pale face, a thin smile, and a pair of glasses. He looked like a salesman, or a lawyer, or a politician. He looked familiar, but they couldn’t place him.

He walked into the room, calmly and confidently, and closed the door behind him. He looked at David and Lisa, and smiled wider. He spoke, in a friendly and cheerful voice:

“Hello, there. I’m sorry to disturb you, but I have a proposition for you. A deal, if you will. A deal that could change your lives forever. A deal that you can’t refuse.”

He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a pen and a piece of paper. He handed them to David, and said:

“All you have to do is sign here, and you can have anything you want. Anything at all. Money, fame, power, love, happiness, you name it. It’s yours, for the taking. All you have to do is sign here, and give me one thing in return. Just one thing. Your souls.”

David and Lisa looked at the paper, and saw that it was a contract. A contract written in blood, with their names on it. A contract that bound them to the man, and to the mansion, for eternity. A contract that they couldn’t escape, or break, or erase.

They looked at the man, and saw that he was not a man. He was something else. Something evil. Something ancient. Something that had been waiting for them, and for others like them, for a long time. Something that had a name, but they didn’t know it. Something that they would soon call by another name.

The name of their worst nightmare.

The name of Stephen King.

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